Difficulties and resistances to writing tasks

experiences of brazilian students in international exchange





Relationship with writing, Academic literacies, Sciences without Borders


I analyze semi-structured interviews conducted with nine students of Engineering and Computational Science who participated in the Brazil Scientific Mobility Program (BSMP), or Sciences without Borders (in Brazil), at University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB - USA) between 2015 and 2016, in order to understand difficulties and resistances related to writing. They supposedly show these difficulties and resistances because they come from study areas in which calculus is the predominant practice, and because they are usually dissociated from interactive writing practice. The results show that students’ difficulties and resistances are basically originated in the lack of didactic situations, like those experienced at UCSB, giving them the opportunity of a legitimate intellectual (metacognitive and metalinguistic) activity that develops their social literacy, especially those which are typical of the academic milieu.


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Author Biography

Messias Dieb, Universidade Federal do Ceará

Doutorado em Educação pela Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC). Professor do Departamento de Fundamentos da Educação e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da Faculdade de Educação da UFC, onde coordena o Grupo de Pesquisa γραφή (grafí) - Laboratório de Estudos da Escrita.  


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How to Cite

DIEB, M. Difficulties and resistances to writing tasks: experiences of brazilian students in international exchange. Educação em Perspectiva, Viçosa, MG, v. 11, n. 00, p. e020039, 2020. DOI: 10.22294/eduperppgeufv.v11i00.8911. Disponível em: https://periodicos.ufv.br/educacaoemperspectiva/article/view/8911. Acesso em: 2 oct. 2024.