Preparation of videos to guide primary care health professionals in coping with the COVID-19 pandemic




Primary healthcare. Mental health. Pandemic. COVID-19. Healthcare professionals.


With the pandemic of the new coronavirus, there is a need to disseminate reliable information about COVID-19 and its implications to health professionals. In this perspective, the professors and students of the Medical School of the Federal University of Fronteira Sul prepared informative videos about COVID-19 for professionals who work in coping with the pandemic in primary care of the municipalities belonging to the 6th Regional Health Coordination of Rio Grande do Sul. The videos were based on materials made available by the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation and the Ministry of Health. It was noticed that taking this information was extremely important, because it facilitated fast and reliable access, contributing to good mental health practice and updates regarding the Coronavirus Clinical Management Protocol in Primary Health Care. The success of coping with COVID-19, the future of the Unified Health System and the health of Brazilians also depend on these actions.


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How to Cite

Pereira Fernandes, J. G., Santos Silva, E. B., Menoncini, C., dos Santos Rabello, R., da Silva, S. G., & Teixeira Borges, D. (2020). Preparation of videos to guide primary care health professionals in coping with the COVID-19 pandemic. Revista ELO – Diálogos Em Extensão, 9, 1–8.



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