Experience report: extensionist action on cardiological and nutritional assessment in a school located Maceió





Health promotion, Nutricional status, Cardiology


Health promotion to children is crucial to reduce cardiovascular risk factors, considering social determinants. This study describes an extension action with the objective of assess risks and promote healthy habits among high school students in Maceió. Medical students performed the action in a public institution with 106 students. Results indicated that 10.37% of the students had a cardiovascular risk developed by obesity. It was observed that 31.1% did not practice physical activity, 18.18% of whom were obese, while 45.45% of those who were obese maintained regular physical activity. Systemic arterial hypertension was identified in 4.71% of students, unrelated to obesity. The high consumption of sausages (89.6%) and the low intake of vegetables (23.8%) contributed to increase the cardiovascular risk. The action promoted knowledge and interest, highlighting the integration between university and community to a social transformation in the area of ??medicine.



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How to Cite

SANTOS, E. V. dos, Newton Arruda, A. M., Tenório Lins Carnaúba, A., Cavalcante Peixoto, Ângela, Vieira Nunes Beserra, Áthina K., Figueiredo Vasconcelos de Souza, B., Ribeiro Carvalho, J. E., Brêda Rêgo Machado, L., Montenegro de Carvalho Brêda, M. F., Guerra Coelho de Jesus, M., & Pimentel Cavalcante Pedrosa, M. (2025). Experience report: extensionist action on cardiological and nutritional assessment in a school located Maceió. Revista ELO – Diálogos Em Extensão, 14. https://doi.org/10.21284/elo.v14i.17709



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