About the Journal

History and Relevance of Engineering in Agriculture Journal

Engineering in Agriculture, in association with the Department of Agricultural Engineering at the Federal University of Viçosa, completes 30 years of continuous publication in June 2021.

This journal seeks to contribute to the education and knowledge consolidation of professionals who work in the most diverse areas related to agriculture. Our purpose is to offer improvements in agriculture from a dual perspective of agriculture and engineering.

The Engineering in Agriculture journal is edited in digital form. Despite being one of the oldest Brazilian periodicals in the field, with 30 years of experience in scientific dissemination, it seeks to be contemporary and current by having in its scope thematic areas of great relevance and interest to professionals who are increasingly linked to technology and scientific advances in agriculture.

Furthermore, the journal was largely redesigned in 2020; the focus becoming the internationalization of our journal and greater scientific rigor in published manuscripts. Among some of the major changes, the following stand out:

  • publications are continuous;
  • articles can be submitted in Portuguese, with all publications in English;
  • reduction in the evaluation time of articles;
  • new Editorial Board focused on internationalization and greater integration among renowned educational institutions