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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The text follows the orientation of style and bibliographic requirements described in the Author Guidelines.
  • In addition to the manuscript the author is required to the submit the cover letter.
  • The authors state that there is no conflict of interest.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; or else, the authors must justify in "Commentaries to Editor"
  • The submission file is in Word format (provided that the file does not exceed 2MB).
  • The paper's authorship identification was removed from the archive and the options "Properties of Word", assuring the journal's criteria of secrecy.

Author Guidelines


The following types of manuscripts are accepted by Engineering in Agriculture:

1) Technical-scientific paper:  a complete and original presentation, fully documented and interpreted, of a work of relevance within the scope of the journal.

2) Literature review: broad survey of the state of the art of any subject relevant to the scope of the journal, whose approach must be sufficiently critical and capable of identifying advances, gaps and scientific challenges in the subject, in the light of Brazilian and international literature. Systematic review and meta-analysis works can be included in this category.

3) Brief communication: shorter manuscripts including all the items of a conventional scientific article, being particularly suitable for the dissemination of: a) preliminary results of research projects whose relevance within the scope of the journal recommends its immediate publication; b) results obtained through field studies or secondary data surveys involving small methodological complexity and a restricted list of variables, but which show high relevance within the scope of the journal. The text must not exceed 1,700 words, excluding references and illustrations. The total number of illustrations is limited to no more than three and bibliographical references should be fewer than  20.



Contributions will be sent without identifying the authors and their origins

In order to facilitate the submission process and formatting of contributions, the Engineering in Agriculture proposes to simplify the guidelines as the formatting and layout of the accepted manuscripts will be carried out by the journal's office after the approval of the manuscripts.

Despite the facility and autonomy that authors have in formatting contributions, the citations and bibliographic references must comply with the guidelines proposed in this document, and the manuscript may be rejected or requested for revision if the proposed standardization is not properly met.

The type of contribution (technical-scientific paper, literature review or brief communication) should be indicated in the first line.

The abstract should not exceed 15 lines and up to five keywords. Title, abstract and keywords should be in English and Portuguese in the manuscript.

The file must be edited in word. The size of print paper should be A4 (210 x 297 mm), font Times New Roman 12, justified alignment and using a spacing between lines of 1.5. Margins should be in the following format: Top margin: 2.5 cm; bottom margin: 3 cm; left margin: 2.5 cm and right margin: 2.5 cm.


Subtitles or items

Subdivision of the text in a large number of subtitles or items should be avoided, allowing a maximum of second order headings. These should not be numbered and must follow the following pattern:


- Second order (italics)

- Third order (underlined)


Figures and Tables

All graphs, drawings, figures and photographs must be named “Figure” and numbered  consecutively in Arabic numerals. Figures must be standardized with at least 7 cm and 8 cm in height and width, respectively.

The Figures, either in color or in black and white, must be clear and with contrast. They should be inserted in the text after their citation. Also, they can be provided in TIFF or JPEG files with a 300-dpi resolution.

Tables should be in editable format and letters not in bold in Times New Roman, size 10.

All Figures, Tables and Charts have to be mentioned in the text.

The captions for a Tables appear before their introduction and those for the Figures must appear after them. Tables and Figures must not exceed the margins of the page

Figures, Tables and Charts are boldfaced in the caption. Only the initial letter is capitalized and followed by a colon. (For example: Figure 1: - Table 1: - Chart 1:)



Whenever possible, prepare mathematical characters using the equation editor available in recent versions of Word. Do not use Figures.

All equations that are part of the text must be aligned with the paragraph and numbered and cited in the text. In the text (Equation 1

y = a x + b                        (1)



All units mentioned in the text, tables, charts and figures must be expressed in accordance with the International System of Units (SI).

Avoid using the fraction bar in the expression of units. Example: Instead of mg/L or m3/s, you should use mg.L-1 and m3. s-1.


Citations and references

All references must be cited in the text and vice versa;

The format used for citation and References should follow the ABNT 6023 style, according to the following examples:



One author

Ex: Silva (2000) or (Silva, 2000).


Two authors

Ex: Santos and Luiz (2010) or (Santos & Luiz, 2010).


Three authors or more

Ex: Melo et al. (2012) or (Melo et al., 2012).

Documents of the same author, published in the same year:

Brasil (2000a/2000b) or (Brasil, 2000a/2000b).




Book (essential elements only):

author, title (bold), subtitle (if it exists), edition (if it exists), place of publication, publisher, and date of publication.


LUCK, H. Liderança em gestão escolar. 4. ed. Petrópolis: Vozes, 2010.

MONTEITH, J. L.; UNSWORTH, M. H. Principles
of environmental physics. 2. ed. London: Elsevier Science, 1990.


Book (with additional elements):


LUCK, H. Liderança em gestão escolar. 4. ed. Petrópolis: Vozes, 2010. 165 p., 18 cm. (Cadernos de gestão, v. 4). Bibliografa: p. 149-155. ISBN 978-85-3263-62-01.


Book in electronic format: as the model above, but, adding the DOI (if it exists) and information about the physical description of the electronic format (CD-ROM, online, and others).


GODINHO, T. Vida organizada: como definir prioridades e transformar seus sonhos em objetivos. São Paulo: Gente, 2014. E-book.

MONTEITH, J. L.; UNSWORTH, M. H. Principles of environmental physics. London: Hodder Arnold, 1990. E-book.


Academic work:

author, title (bold), subtitle (if it exists), year of deposit, type of work (thesis, dissertation, graduation final work, and others), degree (expertise, Ph.D. and others) and major in parentheses, academic link, place, and date of presentation.


AGUIAR, A. A. Avaliação da microbiota bucal em pacientes sob uso crônico de penicilina e benzatina. 2009. Tese (Doutorado em Cardiologia) – Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2009.

MORAES, J. O. Abrasive Wear Resistance of Flexible Riser Protection Layers - Proposal of a New Test Methodology. 2005. (Dissertation) Federal University of Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, 2005.


Part a monograph:

author e part’s title, followed by the expression “In:” or “separate of:”, and the full monograph’s reference.


SANTOS, F. R. A colonização da terra do Tucujús. In: SANTOS, F. R. História do Amapá, 1º grau. 2. ed. Macapá: Valcan, 1994. p. 15-24.


Part of a monograph in electronic format: as the model above, but, adding the DOI (if it exists) and information about the physic description of the electronic format (CD-ROM, online, and others).


INSTITUTO NACIONAL DO CÂNCER (Brasil). Estômago. In: INSTITUTO NACIONAL DO CÂNCER (Brasil). Tipos de câncer. [Brasília, DF]: Instituto Nacional do Câncer, 2010. Disponível em: wps/wcm/connect/tiposdecancer/site/home/estomago/defnicao. Acesso em: 18 mar. 2010.


Article: author, article title, subtitle (if it exists), journal title (bold), subtitle (if it exists), place of publication, number of year and/or volume, number and/or edition, initial and final pages, and date or period of publication.


MÜZEL, S. D.; DE OLIVEIRA, K. A.; HANSTED, F. A. S.; PRATES, G. A.; GOVEIA, D. Poder calorífico de Eucalyptus grandis e da Hevea brasiliensis. Brazilian Journal of Biosystems Engineering, São Paulo, v. 8, n. 2, p. 166-172, 2014.

ORTIZ, B. V.; BALKCOM, K. B.; DUZY, L.; VAN SANTEN, E.; HARTZOG, D. L. Evaluation of agronomic and economic benefits of using RTK- GPS-based auto steer guidance systems for peanut digging operations. Precision Agriculture, v. 14, p. 357-375, 2013.


Article in electronic format: as the model above, but, adding the DOI (if it exists) and information about the physical description of the electronic format (CD-ROM, online, and others).


VIEIRA, C. L.; LOPES, M. A queda do cometa. Neo Interativa, Rio de Janeiro, n. 2, inverno 1994. 1 CD-ROM.


Newspaper’s article: author, title, subtitle (if it exists), newspaper’s title (bold), newspaper’s subtitle (if it exists), place of publication, number of year and/or volume, date of publication, section, part of the journal and corresponding pagination.


OTTA, L. A. Parcela do tesouro nos empréstimos do BNDES cresce 566 % em oito anos. O Estado de S. Paulo, São Paulo, ano 131, n. 42656, 1 ago. 2010. Economia & Negócios, p. B1.


Newspaper’s article in electronic format: as the model above, but, adding the DOI (if it exists) and information about the physic description of the electronic format (CD-ROM, online, and others).


VERÍSSIMO, L. F. Um gosto pela ironia. Zero Hora, Porto Alegre, ano 47, n. 16.414, p. 2, 12 ago. 2010. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 ago. 2010.


Event: contemplates any documents resulting from events (minutes, annals, proceedings, among others).

Name of the event, number (if it exists), year and place (city) of accomplishment, document’s title, followed by the data of place, publisher, and date of publication.


INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CHEMICAL CHANGES DURING FOOD PROCESSING, 2., 1984, Valencia. Proceedings [...]. Valencia: Instituto de Agroquímica y Tecnología de Alimentos, 1984.


Event in electronic format: as the model above, but, adding the DOI (if it exists) and information about the physic description of the electronic format (CD-ROM, online, and others).


CONGRESSO DE INICIAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA DA UFPE, 4., 1996, Recife. Anais eletrônicos [...]. Recife: UFPE, 1996. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 jan. 1997.


Legal document: contemplates, jurisprudence, and administrative practice.

jurisdiction, or entity’s header (in capital letter); epigraph and transcribed menu according to publication; data of publication.


RIO GRANDE DO SUL. [Constituição (1989)]. Constituição do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. 4. ed. atual. Porto Alegre: Assembléia Legislativa do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, 1995.

Agricultural products storage and processing