Physiological quality of mechanically harvested chickpea seeds




Cicer arietinum L. , Mechanical damage , Leached Exudates, Tetrazolium , Vigor


Our objective was to evaluate the occurrence of mechanical damage in chickpea seeds with the combination of two harvester speeds (2.5 and 3.5 km.h-1) and three adjustments for rotor rotation speeds (500, 700, and 850 rpm). Harvesting was carried out in a seed production field. Seeds were evaluated for purity, germination (G), first count (FC), germination speed index (GSI), hypochlorite, electrical conductivity, and tetrazolium tests. There was an effect of harvester speeds on seed physiological quality for the first count (FC), germination (G), germination speed index (GSI), especially when combining with high rotor rotation speed. In these cases, the speed of 2.5 km.h-1 resulted in lower values. This harvester speed also had worse results when combining with 850 rpm for purity and hypochlorite tests. The tetrazolium test was not efficient in identifying differences in seed quality. There was no significant interaction between harvester speeds and rotor rotation speeds for the conductivity test. Evaluating the harvester speed’s isolated effect (3.5 km.h-1), we identified problems in seed vigor due to the higher value of exudates in the electrical conductivity test. Low harvester speed (2.5 km.h-1) associated with high rotor rotation speeds (700 and 850 rpm) causes a reduction of the physical and physiological quality of seeds.


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Como Citar

Xavier Dias, L. B., Afonso de Melo Queiroz, P. ., Cardoso de Castro, T. ., Antonio Moreira de Freitas, M. ., Fernandes Leão-Araújo, Érica ., & Marcos Nascimento, W. . (2021). Physiological quality of mechanically harvested chickpea seeds. Revista Engenharia Na Agricultura - REVENG, 29(Contínua), 28–35.



Mecanização Agrícola