Freedom of speech and hate speech in the democratic state of law
Freedom of speech, Hate Speech, Human DignityAbstract
The article analyzes the relation between Freedom of Speech and Hate Speech, a subject that causes intense debates in the Constitutional Courts. Despite the controversy over the matter, these understandings prevail. The first one defends the supremacy of Freedom of Speech by acting in the presentation and selection of ideas, even if they are not accepted by the society, and improving the democratic debate. In the second understanding, human dignity prevails over freedom of speech, rejecting any discourse of intolerance. Communication would be guided by human dignity inscribed in the constitutional norms. It is noted that the analysis of both fundamental rights obtains multiple interpretations. Therefore, all caution is necessary in the limitation of fundamental rights, because although the legal assets may be in apparent conflict, it is common ground that freedom and dignity are relevant to the democratic-constitutional scenario.
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