The coronelism of Victor Nunes Leal and the conservative modernization

initial considerations


  • Juliana Leme Faleiros Mackenzie Presbyterian University, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
  • Silvio Almeida Mackenzie Presbyterian University, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil



Brazilian state, Coronelism, Conservative modernization, Brazilian social thought


The Brazilian State has, in its formation, peculiar characteristics that somehow can still be detected. Among them, there is patrimonialism, i.e., the disregard for the separation between public and private. In spite of the current understanding that this form of State was superseded with Getúlio Vargas, this paper proposes an understanding that signs of patrimonialism persist and can be related to the category of conservative modernization. One of the celebrated works of the Brazilian sociopolitical thought that concerns patrimonialism is Coronelismo, enxada e voto: o município e o regime representativo no Brasil, by Victor Nunes Leal. By this book, there could be further investigation on how it is possible to apprehend the process of conservative modernization. The methodology was literature review, reaching, at the end, the understanding that Leal’s work is revealing in the way Brazil was modernized and how the State was consolidated.


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Biografias Autor

Juliana Leme Faleiros, Mackenzie Presbyterian University, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

PhD and Master in Political and Economic Law from Mackenzie Presbyterian University. Specialist in Constitutional Law from the Superior School of Constitutional Law and in Civil Procedural Law from Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo. Bachelor of Law from Euripedes de Marília University Center and in Political Science from International University Center. Develops post-doctoral research in human rights and gender in the Inter-American human rights system at the State University of Goiás. Researcher with the research group "Estado e Direito no pensamento social brasileiro" (CNPq). Lawyer. E-mail:

Silvio Almeida, Mackenzie Presbyterian University, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

PhD in Law from the University of São Paulo. Master in Political and Economic Law from the Faculty of Law of Mackenzie Presbyterian University. Bachelor of Law from Mackenzie Presbyterian University School of Law. Graduated in Philosophy from the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences of the University of São Paulo. Post-doctorate from the Faculty of Law of the University of São Paulo. Researcher of the post-doctoral program of the Faculty of Economics of the University of São Paulo. Professor at the Mackenzie Presbyterian University, the School of Business Administration of São Paulo and the São Paulo Law School of the Getúlio Vargas Foundation. He was Visiting Professor (Edward Larocque Tinker Visiting Professor) at Columbia University in New York City and Mellon Visiting Professor at the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies at Duke University, USA. Director of the Luiz Gama Institute. President of the Center for Brazilian Studies of the Institute for the Reform of State Relations and Company. Lawyer. Minister of Human Rights and Citizenship (2023-). E-mail:


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Como Citar

FALEIROS, J. L.; ALMEIDA, S. The coronelism of Victor Nunes Leal and the conservative modernization: initial considerations. Revista de Direito, [S. l.], v. 15, n. 02, p. 01–29, 2023. DOI: 10.32361/2023150216566. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.



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