The performance of the extension project “COMSEA, WHAT IS IT?” In the propagation of the concept of Food and Nutritional Security and its duties.




Food and Nutritional Security, Public Policies, Human Right to Adequate Food., Extension Project


The purpose of the article was to highlight the performance of the UFJF Extension Project “COMSEA, what is it?” in the city of Juiz de Fora / MG, emphasizing the necessary interaction of popular knowledge and academic knowledge. The project contributed to the dissemination of the Municipal Food Security Council, a precursor municipal body of the Human Right to Adequate Food (DHAA) and a collection of public policies on SAN was created. The methodology used was the qualitative, exploratory approach. The method adopted involves documentary analysis of the minutes of the plenary meetings of the COMSEA-JF over a 5-year period, interviews with advisers in the city and carrying out training activities for advisers. It was concluded that the partnership of the “COMSEA, what is it?” Project was positive, with COMSEA-JF and the population, which in a dialogical process managed to articulate effective public policies for Food and Nutrition Security. The theoretical framework was Paulo Freire and Luciene Burlandy.


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Author Biographies

Vitoria Maria Marques, Federal University of Juiz de Fora

Graduating in Law at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora, currently in the 8th period, participating in the Extension project of the Nutrition course.

Ana Claudia Peres Rodrigues, Juiz de Fora Federal University

Biochemistry teacher, by the biochemistry department, Federal University of Juiz de Fora and supervisor of the extension project "COMSEA, O QUE É".


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How to Cite

RABELLO, M. C. M., PEREIRA, V. M. R. M. da S. P., & RODRIGUES, A. C. P. (2021). The performance of the extension project “COMSEA, WHAT IS IT?” In the propagation of the concept of Food and Nutritional Security and its duties. Revista ELO – Diálogos Em Extensão, 10.



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