Educational actions on immunization in children under five: an experience report




Health Education. Vaccine. Child.


One of the biggest public health challenges worldwide - and especially its primary management of Primary Health Care - is the growing burden of preventable diseases. Thus, the present study aims to describe the health education actions carried out by nursing students about the importance of immunization in children under 5 years old and newborns. This is a descriptive study, of the experience report type, carried out by nursing students and extension workers in the group ‘’ Vaccines: nursing performance’’ in the maternity ward and in the pediatric outpatient clinic. As a result, in addition to the feedback given by mothers and guardians of the children regarding the importance of people available in the service to clarify doubts, the relevance of this practice in the education of students is noticeable. This experience provides the extension worker, nursing student, with greater contact with users, playing a role attributed to their future training as health educators.


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How to Cite

ANDRADE, M. C. . C., BESERRA, M. A., & SENA, C. A. de. (2021). Educational actions on immunization in children under five: an experience report. Revista ELO – Diálogos Em Extensão, 10.



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