The application of the Maria da Penha Law and institutional violence: experiences and reflections




Institutional violence, Maria da Penha Law, Public policy, Domestic violence


Taking into account the cases of domestic violence in the State of Pará, this experience report brings to the debate the issue of the application of the Maria da Penha Law and institutional violence in the service of public security agencies in the State of Pará. Observations made at the Public Defender's Office of the State of Pará and at the Police Station Specialized in Assistance to Women in Belém (DEAM), the aim is to reflect on the theme and point out this issue for the beginning of a broad debate aimed at improving reception, its humanization and the application of Law 11.340/06.


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How to Cite

FONSECA, J. G. C., & ÁLVARES, M. L. M. (2022). The application of the Maria da Penha Law and institutional violence: experiences and reflections. Revista ELO – Diálogos Em Extensão, 11.



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