Informe de experiencia sobre el potencial bioherbicida de Cojoba arborea sobre la germinación y vigor de Cassia fistula




Curriculumization, saponins, Secondary metabolites, Workshops


The extension curriculum enables the preparation of resources for their performance in the job market, from the performance of extension activities in the subjects of the course's curricular matrix. The objective of the study was to promote a workshop as an extension curriculum demonstrating how to obtain the secondary C. arborea extract and use it as a bioherbicide, since the metabolites can be used as substitutes found in the species for synthetic herbicides. The workshop outline with two moments being the first essay in a dialogic way about what are allelochemicals and their effect on plants and which of these substances are found in the species under study. The moment was practical, where the students all together the stages of the experiment from the production to the extract and the interpretation of the data. It was verified that the extract of C. arborea improved the germination of C., thus confirming its bioherbicidal effect.


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How to Cite

FERNANDES, M. C., CARVALHO, M. B. F., SANTOLIN , G. O., FARIAS, K. G., COSTA, C. B. da, & MENDONÇA, A. (2022). Informe de experiencia sobre el potencial bioherbicida de Cojoba arborea sobre la germinación y vigor de Cassia fistula. Revista ELO – Diálogos Em Extensão, 11.



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