Sister cities: actions developed with the coverage of the international sisterhood among the municipalities of Pelotas-Suzu




Sister cities, Paradiplomacy, International Relations


The general objective of this paper is to present the activities of the Sister cities extension project of the Federal University of Pelotas, mapping the actions already carried out under the coverage of the international sisterhood between the municipalities of Pelotas (Brazil) and Suzu (Japan). The sisterhood between Pelotas and Suzu was formalized in 1963 and, given the lack of systematization of these actions, the project undertook a mapping with exploratory purpose, through a qualitative approach and consultation of primary and secondary sources. In order to provide information of initiatives already carried out to the society, as well as the deepening of relations between the sister cities, the mapping allows us to consider that several initiatives have already taken place between the municipalities, involving both public and private institutions. However, there is little public and accessible information, both about the initiatives and the sister city.


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How to Cite

SCHIMANSKI, S., RODRIGUES, A. C. ., AVILA, A. H. ., CAPELARI, A. L., PINHEIRO , A. ., SANTOS , C. M. dos, SOUZA, C. L. S., ESLABAO, D. da R., FIRME, G. V. F., VELOSO, G. B., RUDRIGUES, J. M. S. A. ., BRETANHA, J., MENEZES, L. ., SANTOS, R. G., & FELISBERTO , G. F. (2022). Sister cities: actions developed with the coverage of the international sisterhood among the municipalities of Pelotas-Suzu. Revista ELO – Diálogos Em Extensão, 11.


