Information and communication technologies and the playfulness associated with the teaching-learning process
Teaching-learning, Playful games, Information and communication technology, PlayroomAbstract
The project focused on the utilization of ChemSketch® for creating educational games in Chemistry, aimed mainly at high school students. The objectives covered training in the use of the software, the development of games such as memory and quiz and dissemination through social networks. The target audience consisted of approximately 38 students/teachers participating in the games and around 200 followers on the quimicagame page. There were favorable results in relation to the Playroom, with the majority of teachers/students finding it excellent in relation to the application of the theory and concept of the subject, exchange of information and the relationship between teacher-student, student learning related to chemistry content, student-student interaction. Furthermore, teachers and students would not change the Playroom, they would like the school to also have one and only 10 knew about the Instagram page. In the end, an encouraging dynamic, motivation and learning was observed.
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