Exhibition of the process of extracting and obtaining dye from Tectona grandis L. f.
Plant pigment, Non-timber management, TeakAbstract
Tectona grandis is a commercially valuable tree, widely distributed in tropical regions. It is used in the timber sector and its extracts have potential for applications in dyes, as well as for use in pharmaceuticals and polymers. Although promising, Teak extracts are still little exploited commercially. The curricularization of university extension, through the project "Management of Non-Timber Products: Multiple Use of Amazonian Species", aims to bring to the community the knowledge and non-timber possibilities of this species that is already widely cultivated for timber purposes. The presentation took place at the 10th International Rondônia Rural Show, where the potential of the species' extracts for various purposes was explored, highlighting its versatility and economic and sustainable importance.
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