Chemistry and university extension: development of extension action in the city of Alfenas-MG
Chemistry, Education, Scientific divulgation, University extensionAbstract
An important purpose of extension actions is to allow the exchange of learning by bringing the university and society closer together. One possibility for such actions is science dissemination events, in which the University promotes spaces for dialogue and knowledge exchange with the local population. In this context, this article presents a scientific dissemination extension action entitled “QUÍMICA FAZ BEM”, an action designed by UFMG and extended to other universities. This action took place in the city's central square and was promoted by the Postgraduate Program in Chemistry of the Federal University of Alfenas. To observe the perceptions that this activity generated, a survey was carried out, in which event participants, voluntarily, were able to express their impressions through a semi-structured questionnaire. The results suggest the positive impact generated from this experience and indicate how Chemistry can promote actions that approach social contexts.
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