Chemical attributes of corn under the path analysis in an Amazon ecosystemic domain




Agroecology, Biotechnology, Precision Agriculture, Multicollinearity


The present study aims to expose information about the dynamics between the chemical attributes of corn and the direct and indirect influence of these attributes on the proteins of the grain. The attributes analyzed were grain mass, total soluble solids, pH, total titratable acidity, ashes, moisture content, lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates. A network of correlations was obtained and descriptive statistical results of the attributes were generated. Through a path analysis, in which protein content was the main variable, the direct and indirect correlation between the attributes was determined. The moisture level and ash content obtained for the corn were similar to those found in literature. The levels of protein, lipids, and carbohydrates were lower than those established in the Brazilian Table of Food Composition. It was concluded that lipids were the attributes that best determine corn proteins.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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Como Citar

Pinheiro, L. da S., Vieira, M. M., Nunes, G. G. T., Silva, C. R. da, Oliveira, J. T., Castro, T. R., Roque, C. G., & Silva, P. A. (2024). Chemical attributes of corn under the path analysis in an Amazon ecosystemic domain. Revista Engenharia Na Agricultura - REVENG, 32(Contínua), 37–46.




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