The university extension as a diffuser of social conflict resolution mechanisms in public schools




Conflict mediation. Restorative justice. Culture of peace. Basic education.


This report aims to debate, at the academic level, the tasks carried out in the midst of the so-called
"Conflict Mediation, Restorative Justice and Culture of Peace in school environment", linked to the State
University of Maranhão. The extension action, selected by public notice, was carried out in 2018 and 2019 by
students of the Law course at that institution, under the guidance of a professor. In order to disseminate the
essence of extra-procedural conflict management in basic education, the main objective of the project was to
disseminate values and practices linked to mediation and restorative justice. Thus, to create an environment
based on a culture of peace and tolerance, the work team, using oral debates, slide shows and dynamics, held several meetings in two public schools in São Luís / MA. Thus, the project obtained good results, given the notable behavioral changes of the target audience after the interventions carried out.


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How to Cite

ABREU, P. R. A. . (2020). The university extension as a diffuser of social conflict resolution mechanisms in public schools. Revista ELO – Diálogos Em Extensão, 9, 1–9.



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