Fat Quality Control Workshop





Extension curriculum, Quality control, Vegetable fats


This report deals with activities developed during the curricularization of the extension of the project “Management of non-timber products: multiple use of Amazonian species” carried out by undergraduate students of forestry engineering at the Federal Institute of Education, Sciences and Technology of Rondônia, aiming to train academics of the course of pharmacy at Centro Universitário Estácio de Ji-Paraná for the effective quality control of vegetable oils, by carrying out analytical tests and interpreting the data obtained. The participants received theoretical training and developed practical activities to determine the acidity and peroxidation levels of oils. There was interactive participation on the part of the students with the clarification of doubts and empirical contributions on the subject. It was found that the workshop enabled the training of human resources, complementing academic training for the practice and interpretation of quality control tests on vegetable oils and fats.


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How to Cite

VITORIANO, T., BARBOSA, I. R., MENDONÇA, A. P., & RIBEIRO , S. B. (2023). Fat Quality Control Workshop. Revista ELO – Diálogos Em Extensão, 12. https://doi.org/10.21284/elo.v12i.15293



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