Extension actions in the context of selective collection at school: a form of environmental education





Environmental gymkhana, Basic education, Recyclable collection campaign, Solid Waste


The objective of this extension activity was to insert the principles of environmental education in the lives of students and school communities in the city of Passos, aiming at the propagation of knowledge and practice of selective collection, as well as dissemination of sustainable habits with correct orientation of disposal of municipal solid waste (MSW). Lectures, educational competitions were held and a campaign to collect recyclable materials was launched for the community. It was observed that the gymkhana aroused a greater engagement and active participation of students in the campaign to collect recyclables, in which about 1574 kg of materials were collected, in addition to 3329 tickets for the raffle of a bicycle and basket with sweets. It was concluded that the playful activities and lectures positively influenced the behavior of the students.


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How to Cite

REIS, M. J., REIS, J. C., SILVA, Érika A. da, REZENDE, V. L., SANJULIÃO, L.-R. K. A. F., BATALHÃO, A. C. da S., & REIS, F. M. D. (2023). Extension actions in the context of selective collection at school: a form of environmental education. Revista ELO – Diálogos Em Extensão, 12. https://doi.org/10.21284/elo.v12i.16098



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