WebCiência IQ-UFG: a Likert-type scale to measure participants’ opinions
Science outreach, Social media, YouTube®, ChemistryAbstract
Attitude analysis comprises a set of essential tools for measuring opinions, which are influenced by beliefs, impressions, and forms of behavior. In this context, a four-point Likert-type scale was used to assess participants' opinion regarding the topic (Q1), quality of the available material, and presentation clarity (Q2) of webinars of an extension action available on YouTube®. Exploratory and predictive analyses of the scale's results showed a high percentage of participant satisfaction with both items and led to the identification of respondents’ characteristics combined with their opinions. Characteristics such as belonging or not to the institution’s community, category or current activity, in addition to the location from which the webinars were accessed, were important in modelling and predicting participants' opinions.
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