Aging healthy: socioeducation initiatives for the third age




Health of institutionalized elderly people, Aging, Community Relations - institution


This experience report aims to present the results of the extension project “Aging with Health", developed by medical students from a private college. The activities took place in the second semester of 2023, with four in-person meetings at a long-term care center for elderly women. The project addressed topics such as assessing the residents' health through the activities of daily living assessment tool, as well as recreational activities, distribution of gifts, vitamin supplementation and evaluation of the elderly and their caregivers by the Academic League of Physiotherapy.


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How to Cite

MENDES, M. C., BRAGA, R. M. de N. e, ALVES, P. M. S., & MARTUSCELLI , E. F. S. (2024). Aging healthy: socioeducation initiatives for the third age. Revista ELO – Diálogos Em Extensão, 13.



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