Intolerância religiosa, heranças e disputas: o contexto de uma universidade no sul do Brasil
Intolerância religiosa, Racismo Religioso, Colonialismo, UniversidadeAbstract
The theme of religious intolerance was addressed from the partial result of the research project "Violence in the University Population" carried out through the application of the instrument IV-SOPRA (Index of Violence Suffered and Practiced) among students (n=510) of a public university in the south of the country. With this, our general objective is to present partial results of descriptive statistical analyses produced in the scope of this project and to reflect on the subjectivities behind these data. We dialogue with Durkheim and Berlin existence of the sacred in the existence of humanity and Nogueira, Fanon and Silva to articulate these intolerances, religious racism and colonialism, which are present in the analysis of our research. We intend our writings to be a possibility of discussion of the university context as a space for reflection and construction of new perspectives and concepts that seek a less unequal, more plural society with more respect and recognition for different human existences.
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