Esp8266 module use in animal production: a review




Digital agriculture, Internet of things, Animal production, Decision making


The thermal environment in livestock buildings affects the productive and reproductive performance of animals. Therefore, monitoring thermal environment variables is necessary. This study reviewed the applicability of the electronic device ESP8266 module to monitoring animal production. The ESP8266 module is a microcontroller that enables the collection, storage and transmission of data that influence livestock production. The data collected are transferred to cloud computing systems allowing the development of supervisory systems that can be accessed by smartphones, tablets or computers. With this type of microprocessor, it is possible to develop autonomous management systems for animal production. Connected devices using the internet of things, artificial intelligence, machine learning and blockchain will facilitate the analysis of data from the production chain and the appropriate decision-making. Managers of livestock production systems will be in charge of following up and monitoring the processes.


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How to Cite

Zanetoni, H. H. R., Souza, M. A. de, Paranhos, C. de O., Queiroz, D. M. de, & Sousa, F. C. de. (2023). Esp8266 module use in animal production: a review. Engineering in Agriculture, 31(Contínua), 120–126.




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