Extension curriculum: reflections on the conservation of the buffer zone of the Jaru Biological Reserve (REBIO)





Forest engineering , Amazon biome, Pandemic, Jaru biological reserve (REBIO)


This experience report describes the actions carried out in an interdisciplinary way of Management of Conservation Units and Professional Ethics, Human Rights and Ethnic-Racial Relations of the extension curriculum project: “Protected areas of Rondônia: forest and human aspects”. The objective of the project was to report the extensionist practice that had as subject the buffer zone of the Biological Reserve (REBIO) of Jaru, through a dynamic video presented to the classes of high school students of public schools in the urban and rural perimeter. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the video proved to be an accessible way to publicize REBIO do Jaru, as well as the threats that surround it, with the local community. Therefore, the practices reported demonstrated the importance of conserving the biodiversity of the Amazon biome and the evolution of academics as protagonists of this extension activity.


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Author Biographies

Mônica Veloso SILVA, IFRO


Andreza Pereira MENDONÇA


Lediane Fani FELZKE



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How to Cite

SILVA, M. V., SILVA, E. da C., JESUS, D. R. A. de, BARROS, L. G. P., MENDONÇA, A. P., & FELZKE, L. F. (2022). Extension curriculum: reflections on the conservation of the buffer zone of the Jaru Biological Reserve (REBIO). Revista ELO – Diálogos Em Extensão, 11. https://doi.org/10.21284/elo.v11i.14195



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