Use of problematization methodology in the development of an educational action in health with the use of essential oils and massage




Health education, Aromatherapy, Massage, Humanization of assistance


The use of active methodologies in higher education in the area of health allows students to achieve greater protagonism in the development of health actions. In this context, this study aimed to report the experience of using the Problematization methodology with the support of Arco de Maguerez in the undergraduate nursing course. The experience took place with 12 students from a public higher education institution. Upon returning to face-to-face classes, the five stages of the Arch of Maguerez were carried out: 1. Observation of reality; 2. Key Points; 3. Theorizing; 4. Solution hypotheses; 5. Application to reality. The experience resulted in the development of an educational action entitled “Untying us”. This educational action focused on comprehensive care and added knowledge of alternative methods for the promotion and prevention of mental and physical health problems to all involved through the use of essential oils and relaxing massage.


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How to Cite

PIRES JUNIOR, I. A., GOMES, A. J. F., SEGATO, D. F., FERNANDES, M. M., CAMPOS, M. A., VITAL, I. A., TIBURCIO, A. G., FERNANDES, C. M., RAMOS, G. S. A., VICTOR, S. A. B., BARBOSA, D. L., LUCIANO, R. C. B., & SILVA, P. C. dos S. da. (2023). Use of problematization methodology in the development of an educational action in health with the use of essential oils and massage. Revista ELO – Diálogos Em Extensão, 12.



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