Macauba kernels: encouraging family farming through product development
Acrocomia aculeata, Preparation of food products, Healthy eating, Extractivism, Fundão dam, Income generationAbstract
Macauba kernels, rich in lipids, proteins, fibers and minerals, are a promising ingredient for food production. This project, a partnership between UFV, UFOP and UFMG, aimed to promote the use of this kernel among families affected by the collapse of the Fundão dam and the economic effects caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, through the preparation and dissemination of food healthy. Family farmers from Goiabeiras/MG were the target audience because they manufacture products for school lunches and because they already have the macaúba palm tree present on their properties. Cakes, cookies, cocadas and soluble extracts were developed using kernels, which were subjected to nutritional and sensorial composition analyses. The project culminated in workshops and leaflets on product development. It is believed that the sale of these products is an opportunity to generate income for those who make a living from macauba extraction.
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- 2025-02-20 (2)
- 2025-01-13 (1)
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