o ageísmo entre estudantes de medicina




Ageism, Students, Medical, Curriculum, Human Rights.


Ageism is the negative view and aversion directed at the elderly being related to stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination. It causes numerous repercussions to the health of the elderly, hurts their dignity and rights and creates barriers to their access to social services. This research aimed to verify the presence of ageism among medical students in a university center located in the city of São Paulo. The Palmore Questionnaire was applied, consisting of 23 statements seeking to identify ageist stereotypes. The survey was carried out during the first semester of 2022, with 206 participating students. The results demonstrated the presence of ageism, with the most frequent stereotypes being related to the view that old age is associated with dependence, fragility and poverty. Despite this view prevailing, there are positive interpretations about aging, showing an understanding about the different possibilities of old age.


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Author Biographies

Maria Elisa Gonzalez Manso , Centro Universitário São Camilo SP

Doutora em Ciências Sociais e pós-doutora em Gerontologia Social pela PUC-SP. Mestre em Gerontologia Social. Médica. Professora titular curso de medicina Centro Universitário São Camilo.

Laura Emilia Michelin Gobbo

Discente curso de medicina do Centro Universitário São Camilo 


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How to Cite

Gonzalez Manso , M. E., & Michelin Gobbo, L. E. (2023). THE VIEW OF MEDICAL STUDENTS ON AGING: IS THERE AGEISM? o ageísmo entre estudantes de medicina. Oikos: Família E Sociedade Em Debate, 34(2).