análise de características subjetivas e sócio-históricas que propiciam o isolamento social





Aged, Social isolation, Loneliness, Ageism


This article presents the life histories of older adults living in the Federal District to analyze the subjective and socio-historical characteristics that lead to the social isolation of this population. As a methodology, nine individuals over 60 years were interviewed using the oral history method. The results show that feelings of disconnection from family and community, little intergenerational exchange, mourning, lack of money, and low future life expectancy are characteristics associated with a higher level of isolation. In a conclusion, it is possible to inform that characteristics such as faith, work, affective relationships, self-support, and prospects for the future are related to low social isolation.


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Author Biographies

José Walter Nunes, University of Brasilia

Professor. University of Brasilia, Center for Advanced and Multidisciplinary Studies, Graduate Program in Development, Society and International Cooperation. Brasília, DF, Brazil. Post-Doctorate in Studies on Cinema, History and Memory, by the Universidad de Buenos Aires.

Leides Barroso de Azevedo Moura, University of Brasilia

Professor. University of Brasilia, Center for Advanced and Multidisciplinary Studies, Graduate Program in Development, Society and International Cooperation. Brasilia, DF, Brazil. Postdoctoral Fellow in Global Health Education at Weil Cornell Medical College.


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How to Cite

Araújo Bezerra, P., Nunes, J. W., & Barroso de Azevedo Moura, L. (2023). OLDER ADULTS’ LIFE HISTORIES: ANALYSIS OF SUBJECTIVE AND SOCIO-HISTORICAL CHARACTERISTICS THAT PROVIDE SOCIAL ISOLATION.: análise de características subjetivas e sócio-históricas que propiciam o isolamento social . Oikos: Família E Sociedade Em Debate, 34(2). https://doi.org/10.31423/oikos.v34i2.15224