


Education, Ageism, Aging, Public policy


Population longevity is already a reality in Brazil. Education is a Constitutional right and therefore must be available to all people, regardless of age. Thus, the objective of this study is to compare the propositions of the National Education Plans (PNE), with the National Policy for the Older Person and the Statute for the Older Person, looking for mentions about education for the elderly in each of these documents, in order to evaluate their consensus and dissent. For this, a content analysis was performed using the IRAMUTEQ software. Starting from the PNE as the guiding document of this study, disagreements were obtained in classes 4 (WAYS OF ACCESS) and in class 5 (CULTURE). The consensus between the documents was found in class 3 (SPECIAL EDUCATION). The research presents evidence about the need to align Brazilian education policies to guarantee the right to dignity in aging.


Author Biographies

Maíra Rocha Santos, University of Brasilia

PhD student and Master in Development, Society and International Cooperation in the line of Public Policies at the University of Brasília - UnB. Specialist in Value Chain Marketing and Communication and Semiotics. Graduated in Journalism (2008) and graduated in Public Relations (2005). She is a collaborating professor at the University of Brasília - UnB (2017-) and professor at the Institute of Higher Education of Brasília (IESB) (2021-). He was Communication Manager in the public notice of Petrobras Socioambiental, carried out by the Perene Institute, of the Fogão do Mar Project (2020-2021). Worked as a Communications Advisor at the Foundation for Scientific and Technological Enterprises - Finatec (2018/2020). She was Institutional Attorney of the University Center of Brasília UniCEUB, leading and supporting the Institution's Evaluative and Regulatory processes (2015/2017). He was a member of the CPA - Own Evaluation Commission (UniCEUB)(2015/2017). He has experience in the area of ​​face-to-face and distance education. More than 15 years working with Communication and Strategic Marketing Advisory in educational institutions, foundations and institutes. He is currently vice president of AJICEDE- Asociación de Jóvenes Investigadores en Ciencias Económicas y Dirección de Empresas ( Co-Creator of the TEMAC Platform - Theory of the Consolidated Metaanalytical Approach, for bibliometric studies ( She works as a professor teaching courses in Administration, Agribusiness, Publicity and Propaganda, Journalism and Marketing. He works mainly on the following topics: Educational Public Policies, Population Aging, Active Methodologies, Communication and Media, Organizational Communication, Marketing and Information and Communication Technologies.

Leides Barroso Azevedo Moura, University of Brasilia

Nursing degree from the Federal University of Mato Grosso (1988), registered license (RN) by the New York Board of Education-USA (2000-2022). Post Doctoral Study at University College London (2014), Post Doctoral study at the Office of Global Health Education at Weil Cornell Medical College (2018). PhD in Health Sciences from the University of Brasília (2009). Master of Science in Nursing from Western Connecticut State University in the United States (2001). Public Health Nurse at the New York Department of Health for six years. Associate Professor at the University of Brasilia. International License of Consultant in Human Lactation (International Board of Lactation Consultant- 2005). Supervises and co-supervises doctoral theses, master's dissertations, scientific initiation works and course conclusion works in the areas of Health and Development, Territory and Social Determinants, Public Policies and Public Action, Violence in the Course of Life, Education and Inequalities , Food and Nutritional Security, Aging and Quality of Life, Social Isolation and Loneliness of the Elderly, Ageism, Friendly City for the Elderly, Development of Serious Games and Applications.

Marília Miranda Forte Gomes, University of Brasilia

Bachelor in Statistics from the University of Brasília - UnB (2005). Master (2008) and Doctor (2011) in Demography by the Graduate Program of the Center for Development and Regional Planning ? Cedeplar/FACE/UFMG. She is currently an Adjunct Professor at Faculdade do Gama (FGA) at the University of Brasília (UnB), Collaborating Professor of the Specialization in Clinical Engineering, Professor of the permanent staff of the Postgraduate Program in Biomedical Engineering and of the Postgraduate Program in Development, Society and International Cooperation. She is currently coordinator of the PPG in Biomedical Engineering. Areas of interest: Probability and Statistics, Applied Statistics, Quantitative Methods Applied to Engineering, Accounting and Actuarial Sciences/Administration/Social Sciences/International Relations/Health/Biological Sciences, Population and Health, Demographic Analysis Techniques, Aging, Population Projections, Mortality and Pensions. 


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How to Cite

Rocha Santos, M., Barroso Azevedo Moura, L., & Miranda Forte Gomes, M. (2025). THE BRAZILIAN NATIONAL EDUCATION PLAN AND THE RIGHTS OF OLDER PERSON: CONSONANCES AND DISSONANCES. Oikos: Família E Sociedade Em Debate, 36(1).