The importance of the performance of Psychology in the face of the healthy development of the eldery and combat ageism: Review of the literature

revisão de literatura




Healthy Development, Aging, Ageism, Psychology


This study sought to analyze the importance of psychology in the context of the healthy development of the elderly,
as well as the damage caused by the strong presence of ageism in society. Methodologically, it is characterized as
a descriptive and cross-sectional research in the form of a systematic literature survey, with the purpose of
updating the bibliographic references related to the theme. To this end, scientific articles were gathered, published
between the years 2017 to 2022, being selected from the requirements and objectives of the study, which
discussed among the topics developed here. The analysis of the materials shows that it was difficult to gather
articles that dealt with the role of the psychologist in the fight against ageism and the decade of healthy aging. In
short, it is necessary to recognize the role of society as a significant agent in t he fight against ageism, seeking
mechanisms that contribute to the strengthening of practices that reduce it.


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How to Cite

Risuenho Marques da Silva, I., Vieira Ribeiro, M. B., & Damasceno Faria, A. G. (2023). The importance of the performance of Psychology in the face of the healthy development of the eldery and combat ageism: Review of the literature: revisão de literatura. Oikos: Família E Sociedade Em Debate, 34(2).