O idadismo estrutural refletindo no período pandêmico e na saúde da pessoa idosa





Ageism, COVID-19, Aged


This article brings reflections on structural ageism, ageism attitudes evidenced in the COVID-19 pandemic and their correlation with the impact on health and self-perception of elderly people. The objective was to reflect on how we can react and build a gerontological culture that favors healthy aging and brings greater well-being to the elderly, their families and the community in a phase of important demographic transition and population aging. The study was carried out through a bibliographical research, following a qualitative approach of exploratory and descriptive nature. The relevance of this work is justified by the importance of understanding ageism and its harmful consequences for the elderly population, identifying possible actions to combat age discrimination and thus enabling the improvement of quality of life. The conclusion of this article is to attribute greater responsibility to Gerontology professionals in relation to ageism, inviting them to contribute to changing the negative stereotypes of aging. 


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How to Cite

Manara Marconi, I. M., & Dedicação, A. C. (2023). O idadismo estrutural refletindo no período pandêmico e na saúde da pessoa idosa . Oikos: Família E Sociedade Em Debate, 34(2). https://doi.org/10.31423/oikos.v34i2.15290