Estrategia de cogestão como modelo de prevenção de quedas e lesões das pessoas idosas




Cogestão, Queda de idoso, Prevenção , Saúde Pública



The objective of the article was to analyze the co-management strategy applied to prevent the high frequency of falls among the elderly, the number of hospitalizations and the high costs of the public health program. The theory used was the co-management strategy. The methodological approach is qualitative, using the method of integrative review of scientific articles in order to gather and synthesize research results on the prevention of falls in the elderly. The results demonstrated the effectiveness of the co-management model in preventing falls in the elderly, reducing injuries and hospitalizations of the elderly and improving public health.

Keywords: Keywords: Co-management. Elderly fall. Prevention. Public health.


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How to Cite

Muderwa, D. C., Ferreria, L., Barros, J., & Castro , S. G. (2023). Estrategia de cogestão como modelo de prevenção de quedas e lesões das pessoas idosas. Oikos: Família E Sociedade Em Debate, 34(3).