Female body: analysis of the reflections of body transformations in decisional capacity





Body., Decision., Choice., Genre.


Female's universe thematic remains necessary due to an oppressive model current in contem-porary times, in which the sexist society continues to directly influence in women's lives. The work questions some biological, psychological and behavioral changes during the transition from childhood to adolescence, considering that the association of these elements with misogynistic social reproduction of sodalice is perceived. In view of this validity, the current article aims to discuss the gender discussion, guided by the process of deci-sion-making autonomy over the body of girls whose age range is age from 14 to 18 years. In this perspective, the research is developed from obtaining theoretical references linked to the application of questionnaires after the workshops self-defense offered by the Pandora research group. Such methodology allowed to obtain qual-itative and quantitative data based on the decision power over the body. Finally, the female body is a reflection of social aggregations, which lack understanding and discussions so that the process of autonomy and female empowerment are boosted.


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How to Cite

Ayres Navarro, A., Silva Alves, H. ., Jales Varelo, S., & Gomes Garcia, L. . (2020). Female body: analysis of the reflections of body transformations in decisional capacity . REVES - Revista Relações Sociais, 3(4), 18001–18010. https://doi.org/10.18540/revesvl3iss4pp18001-18010



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