Parental Alienation Syndrome and Its Effects in the Current Legal Scenario




Law, Parental Alienation, Systemic Law, Psychosomatic Illnesses


This article aims to highlight the general aspects of Parental Alienation as acts of interference in the affective bond of the minor, promoted by one of the parents or guardians and their psychosomatic consequences in which it will culminate in the emergence of parental alienation syndrome, which in turn can bring to the smallest behavioral and emotional sequelae that if not treated in its genesis, they can help this child become an adult unable to adapt to social and harmonious coexistence. Therefore, parental alienation is configured as an emotional and psychological abuse that jeopardizes the full development of offspring, which requires legal intervention in order to curb the practice, protecting the rights of the child and the alienated parent. In practice, despite modern Brazilian legislation in the field, parental alienation, as an illegal act, is still very little known to the population and its psychological outcomes even more. With the pandemic in the country, these cases have increased, mainly due to the measures of social isolation imposed to contain the spread of the virus that caused sudden changes in the lives of all, a context that can be used by the parent-alienator or responsible for the minor to practice alienation. Data were collected through exploratory and descriptive research, using bibliographic procedure in addition to consultation in legislation.


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How to Cite

Silva, L. do N., & Santos, A. M. N. (2023). Parental Alienation Syndrome and Its Effects in the Current Legal Scenario. REVES - Revista Relações Sociais, 6(1), 15334–01e.



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