Construction of a pilot cure chamber with steam feeding for lead acid batteries plates production




Lead Acid Batteries, Cure Chamber, Arduino


In the production of lead-acid batteries, the main step is the curing process of pasted plates. Although there are studies dealing with the healing process, mainly with the objective of optimizing the stage and improving the performance of the batteries, there is a need for a systematic study of this process. Thus, the main objective of this work is the construction of a pilot scale equipment with humidity and temperature control, more commonly known in the sector as a curing chamber. With this, the intention is to operate it in different conditions from variations in humidity and temperature, which directly influences the properties of the precursor material obtained after the curing step. The constructed pilot presented satisfactory results, being important for the study of the influence of humidity and temperature with the characteristics of the precursor material.


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How to Cite

Dalvi, B. G., Santos, K. C., Carvalho Santana, L., Carvalho, C. M. de ., & Brito, G. A. de O. (2020). Construction of a pilot cure chamber with steam feeding for lead acid batteries plates production. The Journal of Engineering and Exact Sciences, 6(4), 0491–0497i.



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