Cryptography in Polynomial Functions: A Teaching and Learning Process of Mathematics in Basic Education




Teaching and Learning of Mathematics, Cryptography, Polynomial functions of degree n


One of the first difficulties faced by teachers and educators in basic education is to deliberate which strategies need to be maintained in order to provide skillful and motivating educational practices in learning mathematics. This article aimed to suggest a pedagogical practice linked to a mathematical tool for coding and decoding messages for students between the end of elementary school and the beginning of high school. The central idea is to present a model of encryption by polynomial functions of degree n, so that two people, subject A and subject B, can communicate without the intervention of a third subject C. The concept of cryptography was born precisely from this need to send messages, with total security, between two or more agents. It is hoped that this article can contribute to the debate on this extraordinary demand in the process of teaching and learning mathematics in basic education - the use of new contents that allow bringing mathematical knowledge closer, by means of activities that provoke motivation for its learning, among those involved.



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How to Cite

Pontes, E. A. S., Silva, B. H. M. dos S., Oliveira, E. G. de ., & Lira, L. L. e. (2022). Cryptography in Polynomial Functions: A Teaching and Learning Process of Mathematics in Basic Education. The Journal of Engineering and Exact Sciences, 8(6), 14609–01e.



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