Literatura infantil para "ouvirsentir"

Por uma educação anti-idadista




Literatura infantil. Podcast. Educação. Idadismo.


Everyday reality and statistics show that the population is aging. If this imposes another world reading, it is necessary to understand, as educators, the challenges imposed by this new phenomenon. The purpose of this paper is, therefore, to analyze the comments of people who heard the podcast “Saudade dos avós” (Longing for the grandparents). The methodology encompassed an educational action based on the hearing of stories with elderly characters, and the data were analyzed in a qualitative approach based on Bardin (1977). The results have indicated that people of different ages were sensitized with the theme of the heterogeneity of old age. It was concluded that children’s literature can be an artistic expression that mobilizes affections for an anti-ageist education.


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Author Biography

Meire Cachioni, Universidade de São Paulo

Professora Associada 3

Coordenadora do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Gerontologia

Escola de Artes, Ciências e Humanidades | EACH   Universidade de São Paulo | USP


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How to Cite

de Ávila Todaro, M., & Cachioni, M. (2023). Literatura infantil para "ouvirsentir" : Por uma educação anti-idadista . Oikos: Família E Sociedade Em Debate, 34(2).