The black box of gender violence: masculinity(s) in displacements




Masculinity(s), Gender-based violence, Gender Reflective Group, Decoloniality, Intersectionality


The text presents a study about the discursive production of the theme masculinity from the description and analysis of the documentary "The Box of Men", a device developed for the policy of coping with violence against women in the meetings of the Reflective Groups of Gender. The study is operated based on post-structuralist theories, about the concepts of power-knowledge relations, regimes of truth and processes of subjectivation, gender and patriarchy relations, decoloniality and intersectionality. It is understood that the deconstruction of gender violence requires a critical exercise of western thought that established binary subjective categories and continues to naturalize asymmetric relationships between men and women. It is necessary to understand that the construction of masculinity varies in different cultures and through time. Its meaning also changes throughout the life trajectory of different men. Therefore, the production of masculinity is plural and articulates in different ways with other markers, such as social class, race and sexual performance, which requires a multifaceted treatment of masculinities by practices aimed at coping with violence.


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How to Cite

Alves, E. M. C. da S., & Voss, D. M. da S. (2021). The black box of gender violence: masculinity(s) in displacements. REVES - Revista Relações Sociais, 4(3), 12682–01.



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