Obtaining and characterization of high density polyethylene composite (HDPE) with coconut fiber





Composites, Characterization, High Density Polyethylene, Coconut Fiber, Thermal Analysis


The incorporation of natural fibers is a promising alternative in obtaining composite materials, as its low cost, high availability and unique properties create opportunities for new uses and applications of these fibers. However, the study of the properties of the composites obtained is fundamental in determining the characteristics of the material and its selection process for application in materials, since the composite must meet a series of requirements and properties. With this, the present work had as objective to obtain polyethylene composites with coconut fibers and their characterization through mechanical tests and thermal analysis. The results of the mechanical tests showed that the composites did not show significant changes in tension at maximum strength with the addition of fiber, but showed a decrease in the deformation at break and an increase in the elasticity modulus of the composite with the addition of fiber. The results of the thermal analysis showed that the melting temperature (Tm) of the polymer is 130ºC, the fiber degradation occurs above 200ºC and the polymer degrades at 485ºC, which allows the processing of the composite without degrading its constituents, although the thermal stability of the composites obtained has decreased with fiber’s addition.


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How to Cite

Araujo, C. R. de, & Sampaio, M. S. (2020). Obtaining and characterization of high density polyethylene composite (HDPE) with coconut fiber. The Journal of Engineering and Exact Sciences, 6(5), 0688–0694. https://doi.org/10.18540/jcecvl6iss5pp0688-0694



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