Feasibility of resin application in the coating of cellulosic food packaging through migration test





Coated papers. Food packaging. Safety food


The packaging represents an essential role in food preservation, it can consist of different materials that make its application more flexible. It must not have migrating elements that alter the product’s quality. Thus, the potential for migration and biodegradation of resin applied to cellulosic packaging for refrigerated beverage packaging was evaluated, a biodegradable alternative to the polystyrene packaging usually employed. Migration was measure by gravimetric quantification of the residue after contact with simulants, water, 3% (v/v) acetic acid, 10% (v/v) ethanol, and n-heptane. Biodegradation was assess by checking for mass loss. The packaging proved to be safe in contact with fatty foods in all assays, with alcoholic products at 20°C for 48h, and 40°C for 2h, with water at 40°C for 24h and 65°C for 2h. The coating significantly interfere with the loss of mass, and on the 107th day, the coated packaging had 38% residual weight and the uncoated 31%.


Author Biographies

Bruna Albiero, Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina – UNOESC

Graduanda em Engenharia Química.

Gláucia Freiberger, Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina – UNOESC

Graduanda em engenharia química.



How to Cite

Albiero, B., Freiberger, G., & Vanin, A. B. (2021). Feasibility of resin application in the coating of cellulosic food packaging through migration test. The Journal of Engineering and Exact Sciences, 7(2), 12394–01. https://doi.org/10.18540/jcecvl7iss2pp12394-01-09e



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