Layout optimization using the SLP method - a case study of productive efficiency in a clothing company




SLP. Layout. Productive efficiency. Cut fabric.


The objective of this work is to apply the SLP Method (SLP - Systematic Layout Planning) in the search for a new Layout with optimized productive characteristics in a textile industry, from the insertion of an automated fabric cutting machine. The methodology adopted in the development of this case study maintained a qualitative approach. Data collection was carried out through interviews and questionnaires. As a result, it was found the importance of analyzing the models of productive layouts, since the results achieved were extremely important for the agreement of the work with the general objectives of the company. With the study of insertion of new equipment, it is possible to prove, with the balance of production, that it is possible to supply the demand and also to increase the provision of services to third parties. The proposed layout was designed in order to use the available space, where it was possible to keep the aisles within the established by the standard, in addition to designing the machinery and workstations in order to promote an efficient flow, thus reducing the unnecessary movement of materials and people.


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How to Cite

Moura, C. R., Borges, W. J. ., & Meincheim, E. . (2021). Layout optimization using the SLP method - a case study of productive efficiency in a clothing company. The Journal of Engineering and Exact Sciences, 7(3), 12690–01.



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