Evaluation of the volume of soil mobilized and fuel consumption as a function of water content and fertilization depth


  • Wilson de Almeida Orlando Junior EPAMIG, Instituto de Laticínios Cândido Tostes, Brasil
  • Lucas de Freitas Teixeira Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Brasil
  • Ana Flávia Coelho Pacheco EPAMIG, Instituto de Laticínios Cândido Tostes, Brasil
  • Kely de Paula Correa EPAMIG, Instituto de Laticínios Cândido Tostes, Brasil
  • Isabella de Andrade Rezende Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Brasil
  • Jean Carlos Coelho Pacheco Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Brasil




Agricultural mechanization. Seeder-fertilizer. Environment. Greenhouse gases. No-tillage system.


To ensure sustainable and permanent agriculture, it is extremely important to know the management processes and their relationship with the environment. The consumption of fossil fuels and soil disturbance are factors that have a direct influence on global warming through the emission of greenhouse gases. The objective was to evaluate the amount of soil mobilized and fuel consumption during a sowing operation in a no-tillage system. The experiment was installed in subdivided plots, with soil water contents in the plots (28,7; 36,4 and 47,6%) and in the subplots the fertilizer deposition depths (6,3; 11,3 and 14, 8 cm). A John Deere® model 5705 4x2 tractor with auxiliary front traction and a Jumil POP JM2670PD SH EX seeder-fertilizer were used. It was observed that the variables analyzed did not influence the amount of soil mobilized by the furrower mechanisms of the seeder-fertilizer. However, for the hourly fuel consumption, both for the fertilization depth and for the soil water contents studied a significant effect.


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How to Cite

Orlando Junior, W. de A., Teixeira, L. de F., Pacheco, A. F. C., Correa, K. de P., Rezende, I. de A., & Pacheco, J. C. C. (2022). Evaluation of the volume of soil mobilized and fuel consumption as a function of water content and fertilization depth. The Journal of Engineering and Exact Sciences, 8(9), 14883–01a. https://doi.org/10.18540/jcecvl8iss9pp14883-01a



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