Numerical analysis of shape coefficients and bearing capacity factors of shallow foundations on heterogeneous soil


  • Samir Benmoussa LGC-ROI Laboratory, Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Technology, University of Batna2, Algeria NMISSI Laboratory, University of Biskra, Algeria
  • Ouassila Bahloul LGC-ROI Laboratory, Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Technology, University of Batna2, Algeria
  • Sadok Benmebarek NMISSI Laboratory, Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Technology, University of Biskra Algeria
  • Abdelhamid Baitich NMISSI Laboratory, Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Technology, University of Biskra Algeria
  • Abderrahim Mihoubi Mining Laboratory, Civil Engineering Department, University of Tébessa, Algeria



Shape Coefficient, Bearing Capacity Factor, FLAC, Square Foundation, Circular Foundation, Failure.


We often face heterogeneous foundation soils in geotechnics, which significantly influence shallow foundations' shape coefficients and bearing capacity factors. The evaluation of these factors introduces significant uncertainties in the thickness of the upper layer is comparable to the width of the rigid footing placed on the soil surface. This ambiguity depends on the geometry of the footing, the mechanical properties of the soil, and other geotechnical factors. Conducting thorough geotechnical studies and performing specific analyses are essential to accurately assess the effect of clay layering on the shape coefficients and bearing capacity factors of circular and square footings. A numerical analysis using the FLAC 2D and 3D software is carried out to evaluate the effect of the superposition of two undrained clay layers on the bearing capacity and shape factors of circular and square footings subjected to a static axial load. The aspects of homogeneous and heterogeneous shear strength profiles were addressed at various positions of the height of the first clay layer. It was found that the critical depth of the first clay layer necessary to optimize the bearing capacity of a foundation resting on stratified soil is 2, 1.5, and 1, respectively, for strip, square, and circular footings. The shape coefficient values range between 1.14 and 1.22 for square footings and between 0.98 and 1.64 for circular footings. The results are compared to previously published values in the literature.





How to Cite

Benmoussa, S., Bahloul, O., Benmebarek, S., Baitich, A., & Mihoubi, A. (2024). Numerical analysis of shape coefficients and bearing capacity factors of shallow foundations on heterogeneous soil. The Journal of Engineering and Exact Sciences, 10(8), 19441.



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