Factors that stand in the way of the quality of child education as the right of all and not a few!
Government Education Institutions are constituted values ??of use, of collective consumption, indispensable for the integral development of the child, the economic and social increase and the reproduction of the workforce. However, studies show a paradox between the advancement of legislation that guarantees quality in early childhood education as a right for all and the realization of this right. Its precariousness is verified, mainly due to the low quality standard of the services provided by these institutions. To address this issue, the federal government as an educational policy provider has published the documents “National Quality Parameters for Early Childhood Education (2006) ” and the Quality Indicators for Early Childhood Education (2009) ”dealing with evaluation and monitoring for improvement. Quality of early childhood education. Given the above, this study aims to analyze whether these documents have been effective instruments for the adoption of measures aimed at improving the quality of early childhood education in the scope of early childhood education institutions of the municipal network of Recife-PE. From the analysis of the social representations of the managers and the professionals who work in the Early Childhood Education network, obstacles that go beyond the non-compliance with the implementation of what these documents propose.
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