On the political commitment to school education and practices for assessing teaching-learning





Assessing teaching-learning, Political commitment, Regulation


The modern school, which arised in the historical capitalist context as an instrument for the reproduction of the system, either through the socialization of new members to social codes, or through the maintenance or aggravation of existing social inequalities, contradictorily also opens the possibility of transforming this reality. This occurs when formal education, anchored to the political commitment to expand access to the knowledge acquired by humanity, promotes the potentialization of man's action in the collective construction of a more fair and egalitarian society. In this context, and considering the evaluation of teaching-learning as a crucial tool for the achievement of the political commitment assumed by education, we will seek to investigate the processes of capitalist regulation in education from the study of evaluation theorizations. For that, we opted for a qualitative approach, of exploratory nature and using the bibliographic research, based on Minayo (2009) and Gil (2002). In this analysis, according to the organization of Fernandes (2009), we focused the party theorizations of the third and fourth generation of evaluation, authors who - notably Afonso (2000), Esteban (2001; 2008; 2010), Luckesi (2011), Lugli and Gualtieri ( 2012) and Vasconcellos (2000) - recognize its sociological character, to the detriment of a strictly operational view of evaluation. We identified that the schooling regulation processes, carried out through the evaluation of teaching-learning, can happen immediately and / or mediately, raising the need to place suspicion about how the evaluative practices crystallized over time.




How to Cite

Nunes Domingos, L., & Piontkovsky, D. (2021). On the political commitment to school education and practices for assessing teaching-learning. REVES - Revista Relações Sociais, 4(1), 04001–04013. https://doi.org/10.18540/revesvl4iss1pp04001-04013



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