Children's Literature, Environmental Education and Academic Possibilities


  • Nathana Pizzolato Minuzzi Universidade Regional Integrada do Alto Uruguai e das Missões – URI/ Santiago
  • Cisnara Pires Amaral Universidade Regional Integrada do Alto Uruguai e das Missões – URI



Children's Literature; Pedagogical Proposal; Environmental Education


The activity brings the perception of academics in relation to the exploration of Environmental Education through children's literature, with the production of a book for young children, serving as a strategy for the production of didactic resources that involve creativity, scientific knowledge, curiosity and perception in relation to environmental issues. We understand the importance of new methodologies as strategic tools for science teaching to become more dynamic, attractive and exciting. Thus, the book was produced as an extension activity related to the discipline of Laboratory of Teaching of Natural Sciences, entitled "A story not common: travel in the world of vertebrates". To evaluate the activity, the students answered a satisfaction questionnaire related with their production. It was noted that the students understand the importance of different methodologies for the teaching of Sciences becomes more pleasurable, and they cite the effectiveness of the use of literature as a mean to make classes more meaningful; recognize Environmental Education as a tool to develop respect for different forms of life, understanding the importance of biodiversity and environmental preservation, emphasizing that new methodologies, if well planned, can contribute for the learning.




How to Cite

Minuzzi, N. P., & Amaral, C. P. (2022). Children’s Literature, Environmental Education and Academic Possibilities. REVES - Revista Relações Sociais, 5(1), 13525–01.



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