Environmental education as a strategy for the expansion of the “pila verde” project


  • Darlene Cristina Colaço Chaves Universidade Federal do Pampa/Unipampa https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7718-4333
  • Carmen Regina Dorneles Nogueira Universidade Federal do Pampa/Unipampa
  • Victor Paulo Kloeckner Pires Universidade Federal do Pampa/Unipampa




Environmental Education. “Green Pillar”. Domestic Waste.


The present work consists of the proposal of an extension program that aims to contribute to the municipal public administration of the city of Santiago / RS in the implementation and expansion of the “Pila Verde” project. And thus help to promote the selection of domestic waste produced in homes in Santiago / RS and also reduce costs with its final destination to the landfill. The main of program is to promote the construction and collective dissemination of knowledge among actors in social spheres: the university community and the external community with regard to the implementation of the “Pila Verde” project and the correct disposal of household waste in the municipality of Santiago. Therefore, the following actions will be carried out: continuing education course for teachers and the environment in the municipal network, municipal seminar on environmental education; school exhibition and research related to the production and disposal of household waste in the city in the aspects intersected with the general objective. So far, there are no results, not even preliminary ones, as the program is currently being presented and discussed with the municipal public administration.




How to Cite

Chaves, D. C. C., Nogueira, C. R. D., & Pires, V. P. K. (2022). Environmental education as a strategy for the expansion of the “pila verde” project. REVES - Revista Relações Sociais, 5(1), 13561–01. https://doi.org/10.18540/revesvl5iss1pp13561-01-08e



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