Ensuring the Ambiental Education and Botanic by transversality in BNCC times





Innovative Pedagogical Proposal. Science Teaching. Basic Education


The normative document Curricular Common National Basis – Secondary Education, caused a lot of changes on Sciences Curriculum, especially Botanic and Ambiental Education, which suffered a huge erasure. This document is about what and how to teach by objects of knowledge lists, skills and abilities.Besides the contents, the pedagogical practices are crucial for construction of knowledge in process teaching-learning, mainly Botanic, that sometimes is limited to traditional methods and has no significant experience. Therefore, as a away to propose a innovative Science teaching relation involving BNCC problematics, we were challenged in Education Fundamentals subject, on Biology Degree, at Federal University of Pampa, to develop an innovative pedagogical proposal, we chose to work with two thematics. This way, the objective of the article is to popularize the knowledge  about  Bryophyte ecology importance, disseminate and motivate the Ambiental Education in students, we proposed a pedagogical intervention that aimed to teach environmentally from prior knowledge and protagonism.The proposal methodology is based on three pedagogical moments: the prior knowledge gathering, the conceptual knowledge construction and the practice application and the construction knowledge gathering, supported by Meaningful Learning Theory, disseminate the student protagonism and learning motivation. We consider the student autonomy promotion and the work with the chosen thematics very important, highlighting the necessity of pedagogic work being planned apart from BNCC.




How to Cite

Noal, G. R., Pires, F. R., Rosa, D. O., & Ceschini, M. da S. C. (2022). Ensuring the Ambiental Education and Botanic by transversality in BNCC times. REVES - Revista Relações Sociais, 5(1), 13570–01. https://doi.org/10.18540/revesvl5iss1pp13570-01-13e



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