The state of the art in gender educational public policies in Brazil


  • Silvana Barreto Oriente Universidade Federal do Amazonas
  • Maria Isabel Alonso Alves Universidade Federal do Amazonas



Public Educational Policies. Gender. Education.


This article addresses the State of the Art of educational public policies that support gender issues in Brazil. It is a research in progress developed in the Graduate Program in Teaching of Sciences and Humanities (PPGECH) under the Federal University of Amazonas - UFAM, Humaitá Unit - IEAA. In this section we seek to make a literature review of research on educational policies related to gender issues in Brazil in the last five years. This is a bibliographic research, conducted from the database of journals of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel - CAPES, with a time frame of five years (2016 to 2021), of qualitative approach, from the descriptors: educational policies and gender; gender and education. The analysis and discussion of the data were inspired by post-critical studies in education, based on authors who move between the fields of "post" prefixes, from Meyer and Paraíso (2012). The results found were grouped into four sections: equality, equity and discrimination; educational plans and other official documents, Sexual diversity, gender ideology and LGBTQ issues; and Women and feminisms. It was noticed that gender issues find a shy space in the public agenda, mainly because of the increased pressure from conservative groups, but that there are advances in practices to promote equity and combat various discriminatory practices.




How to Cite

Oriente, S. B., & Alonso Alves, M. I. . (2022). The state of the art in gender educational public policies in Brazil. REVES - Revista Relações Sociais, 5(1), 13777–01.



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